Restoring Other Data

While restoring backed up returns, you can also restore Companies, Payers, Preparers, Form Rates, Hourly Rates, and Setup Data. However, you can only restore data that has been backed up using the program's Backup and Restore feature. You cannot restore data that you backed up using third party software.

Setup Data includes: Preferences, Security Manager, Print Packets, Custom Client Letters, Customized Master Forms, EFIN Enrollment data, Upostable Funds records, FAM Settings, and PRS Purchases.

It's important to know the differences between Backup and Export as well as Restore and Import. See Backup vs. Export.

To restore Other Data:

  1. Click the Returns menu; then, select Restore Returns.

Restore dialog box

  1. Under Other data:, select the check box(es) as needed to restore the desired information.
  2. Click Restore.
  3. Click Close.


See Also:

Backup and Restore

Restoring Returns